General Meeting 2025 – Registration Process. Please keep to the following order.
Online Registration – Submit your application on the General Meeting 2025 website.
Review Process – Organizers evaluate all submissions.
Acceptance Confirmation – Approved participants receive a confirmation e-mail.
Official Invitation – Invitations sent by e-mail via the e-COST system (with or without cost reimbursement).
Participant Confirmation – Accepted participants confirm their invitation in the e-COST system.
Travel Arrangements – Participants organize their travel to the event (only after accepting the invitation in the system).
General Meeting of MecaNano COST Action 2025
MecaNano stands for "European Network for the Mechanics of Matter at the Nano-Scale" is a European Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST) Action running 2022-2026. The Action is intended as a broad international cooperation aiming to advance the multiscale understanding of the mechanical behavior of nanostructured materials. By combining the expertise of its participants – from experimentalists to simulation, data management and machine learning experts – it aims to overcome the different bottlenecks limiting the exploration of mechanical size effects. MecaNano provides its members with numerous opportunities to interact and collaborate, e.g. through dedicated workshops, symposia and summer schools, or by funding the mobility between participants.
This Third General Meeting will bring together all stakeholders of the MecaNano community in order to discuss scientific progress in our field(s) and plan common activities. We are looking forward to your participation! This meeting is a good opportunity to meet your counterparts of the small-scale mechanical characterization community.
We do not charge a conference fee but you must register on this website in time before the meeting. Submitting an abstract is not registering.
The General Meeting is opened to oral and poster contributions related to all topics covered by MecaNano:
Mechanical size effects and nanoscale deformation mechanisms
Experimental and simulation investigations, including
Nanomechanical testing
Advanced characterization methods
Atomistic and Meso-scale simulations
Finite elements
Crystalline, amorphous or hybrid materials
Management of research data in materials science
Machine learning applications related to the topics above
Regular presentations will be 20 min long including Q&A. Poster size is A0 (portrait orientation is preferred). Please provide an abstract of max. 250 words until 14. February 2025.